

Do you own a home in Australia and plan to make the smart move to reduce or eliminate the amount of money you pay for your energy bill?
A One solar can do it for you. We Supply, Install and service A One quality Solar Power systems with Battery storage option across Australia.

No matter how you pay for your solar power system or what size system you need, installing solar at your home is always an intelligent move, then sticking with the utility and keep paying more & more each year. Getting solar for your home is one of the best decisions you can ever make as a homeowner.

Our offers are gimmick free and much inexpensive than you might be thinking.

Solar Power system options available – 

Inverter Capacity Solar Panel Wattage Inverter Brands Solar Panel Brands

1.5kw, 2kw, 3kw, 5kw,10kw,15kw – Single phase and Three Phase depending upon the power available.

1.5kw, 2kw, 3kw, 5kw,10kw,15kw – Single phase and Three Phase depending upon the power available.

SMA, Fronius, Sungrow, GoodWe, Growatt, Solar Edge, Solis, Solax, Huawei, Firmer, Emphase micro inverters.

Q CELLS, LG, Jinko, Trina, Seraphim, Hyundai, JA Solar, Longi, Canadian solar, REC.


  • Prospect Road Prospect Adelaide, SA 5082
  • 1300 002 677

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)