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Technically Experienced,
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A One Products
We work with most reliable
brands in industry.
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A One Pricing

We pass on the price benefits from distributors and manufacturers, directly to you.

A One Products

We work with most reliable brands in industry. QCells, REC, SunPower, Jinko, Trina.

A One Services

Technically Experienced, Knowledgeable and Committed.

A One Quality

We stand behind our work, Quality Guaranteed. We always have & always will.
1 + and many more
satisfied customers since 2015.

We are AONE Solar - Experience. First Class

Australia's leading solar energy company.

Let AOne Solar customize your solar GEAR SUPPLY solution to reduce your energy bill immediately and help you earn money over time. A one Solar is your perfect partner.

A One Solar customers typically reduce their bill by 30% to 80% depends on how and when you consume power.

We are affordable with AOne products.
We offer professional and personal AOne service.

Checkout Our Solar Packages

Package One

6.661 KWH PV Solar Panels Power with 5 KWH grid connected inverter or Hybrid/Battery ready inverter. It can be single phase or three phase.

Package Two

13.300 KWH PV Solar Panels Power with 10 KWH grid connected inverter or Hybrid/Battery ready inverter. It can be single phase or three phase.

Package Three

19.950 KWH PV Solar Panels Power with 15 KWH grid connected inverter or Hybrid/Battery ready inverter. It can be single phase or three phase.

How a Solar Annual Maintenance Contract can benefit you.

Your residential or a commercial solar energy systems greatly benefit from quality regular maintenance. A periodical operations and maintenance services offered by A One Solar can keep your system running at peak performance without outages or expensive repairs.


Increased Efficiency

Regular maintenance through a solar annual maintenance contract can help to identify and resolve any performance issues, increasing the efficiency of the solar system and maximizing energy production.

Extended Equipment Life

By regularly inspecting and maintaining the solar equipment, the life of the equipment can be extended, saving on replacement costs and ensuring reliable performance for a longer period.

Cost Saving

Proactive maintenance can help to detect and resolve small issues before they become bigger and more costly to fix, leading to cost savings over the long term.

Professional Support

With a solar annual maintenance contract, you have access to professional and experienced technicians who can provide expert support, ensuring that your solar system is well-maintained and functioning optimally.

Compliance with Warranty Requirements

Many solar equipment manufacturers require regular maintenance as a condition of their warranty, and a solar annual maintenance contract can help ensure compliance with these requirements.

Get in touch

Don’t hesitate to contact us for a obligation free advice / quote.

Our office is located at:
186 Prospect Road, Prospect, Adelaide, SA 5082

Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm

Sat, Sun and Public Holidays: Closed

Office Hours hours customer support

1300 002 677

We recieve the best client’s review.

Solar Panels Used by AOne Solar

The logo used on our website belongs to respective companies. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited and protected under copyright law.

Solar Inverters Used by AOne Solar

The logo used on our website belongs to respective companies. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited and protected under copyright law.

Solar Batteries Used by AOne Solar

The logo used on our website belongs to respective companies. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited and protected under copyright law.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)